Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Our biggest accomplishment this summer was getting Eric through and DONE with school!!! Wahoo. Wahoo. Wahoo.

All of this just in time for four little ones to start school. Luckily I can handle their homework load and do much better explaining how to make change out of a dollar than trying to comprehend the statistically analysis of student engagement.

With backpacks loaded with school supplies and bikes all tuned up, the boys are more than anxious to begin school tomorrow!

The passing of a great lady.

Lucretia Hymas, LaVina's mother, passed away at the age of 99. She lived for years and years in the cottage in Richard and LaVina's yard. I will always remember how she loved to piece quilts, work in the yard and garden, do name extraction, bake bread, and visit with friends and family.
I can't think of Lucretia's passing without thinking of the loving care that LaVina has given to her mother for such a long extended period of time. Our hats are off to you LaVina. You are an example to all of us of a wonderful daughter and we can all only hope to be, and hope to have, children as kind and giving as you have been with your mom.

Comments posted:
janeannechovy said...

We have one of her beautifully pieced baby quilts, which she gave us when we were taking advantage of Richard and LaVina's hospitality. I thought she was awesome, and we treasure the quilt.

OlsenUpdate said...

I too am the owner of one of Lucretia's quilts. I stopped in with my mom to visit and meet Lucretia. She was very kind and she wouldn't let me leave her home without a pieced baby quilt for Spencer.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Grant

I thought I would post some pictures of baby Grant, since Nancy is
pretty busy enjoying the new little guy! He is sure a cutie!

Lydia is One!

Lydia is such a fun little girl - we can't believe she is one!
Think we maybe got enough pictures??? :)
(Lydia is Brent and Lindy's daughter)