Monday, December 1, 2008

10 Things

10 Things We are Grateful for:

10. Disposable Diapers.
9. Slipper Crocs.
8. Friendly Neighbors.
7. Outgoing, Loving Ward.
6. Indoor Plumbing. . . I simply cannot imagine using an outhouse in -20 degree weather.
5. Heating, Refrigeration, Dishwashers. . . all the perks of modern day houses.
4. General Conference.
3. The Clearplay DVD player. Thanks Greg for recommending that.
2. Our $35 dollar garage sale Treadmill and the dream of fitting back into my clothes
1. Getting to raise five of the best boys in the world.

1 comment:

Miss Maddie said...

yeah! thanks for posting I was getting ready to start calling this my own blog hehe. happy holidays up there in the freezing weather.